Notification on schedule update

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August 2, 2021

In our team sometimes we have to change on call schedule due to someone going to vacation or for instance if someone leaves the team. This means the change usually shifts the schedule to different dates for everyone.

But opsgenie does not notify anyone via app or through email that there has been update in their upcoming on-call turn. This leads to people not knowing in advance and  sometimes it comes as a surprise when their on-call starts.

We have looked into all notifications provided by opsgenie but we have not yet found anything for this use case.

Does anyone knows if there is a way to configure this?


4 answers

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Aleksey Myagkov
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January 26, 2022

I second this question. When we add or remove people from the schedule, it would be nice that all participants receive a notification. 

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Matt Legler
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November 20, 2024

This really would be a wonderfully delightful enhancement - my teams would much appreciate a real-time notification when schedules are updated (in addition to a notification a day before a rotation begins). 

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Dustin Orrick
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January 4, 2023

I am curious if your schedule starts on Monday but you change the individual notification rules to notify 1 day in advance; but limit notifications for that rule to Mon-Thur; then will it notify 3+ days prior? 

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Hana Kučerová
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August 2, 2021

Hi @ali_arslan ,

welcome to the Atlassian Community!

I believe you can to this in your profile -> Notifications (https://your-opsgenie/settings/user/notification). There's section called Notification rules.

You can configure notification for action Schedule Start, something like Notify before schedule starts: 1 day

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August 3, 2021

Hey Hana, thanks for the suggestion.

This only allows to set 1 day in advance. I think it is not ideal because people need at least a week notice to adjust their plans accordingly. E.g. If there are upcoming vacations, this won't help because it is too late to know. 

Hana Kučerová
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August 3, 2021

Hi @ali_arslan ,

I'm sorry, I'm not aware of any other way, how to do this. Maybe you can try to suggest Atlassian to also add the possibility to send notification 1 week before the schedule starts...

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