Measuring Time of Escalations

Daniel Sezari
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July 29, 2024

Hi, I am trying to find out how long each escalation lasts in our customer support team. For that I want to measure the time between

- an alert has been acknowledged

- an alert has been closed.


Within the API docu I was not able to find this (or I was looking in the wrong object), but is it possible to get a timestamp for both (acknowledging and closing), so that I can measure the duration? Or another possibility to do that?


All the best,


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Olivier F
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September 11, 2024

Hello Daniel,

Same issue for me, this time measure is definitely a must have for as it is the official way to calculate how long the team has been effectively working on an alert and therefore increase all kinds of HR counters.

The only thing I could find was to use the API with the /logs route : /v1/alerts/{alertId}/logs. Unfortunately there is no category or any other way to filter simply, so you'll have to look for the log messages starting with "Alert acknowledged" and "Alert closed".

Hope this helps.

Best regards,


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