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IT Notifications

Nicolas Helmer March 8, 2023

Does anyone in the community utilize OpsGenie as a replacement for Informacast or Siren alerts? Is this tool suited for these types of custom mass communications?

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Nick H
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 9, 2023

Hi @Nicolas Helmer ,

Opsgenie used to have mass notification functionality, but not longer does like Informacast or other similar tools offer.

Closest thing to that nowadays would be through incidents - specifically notifying stakeholders.

Important to note that stakeholders are only available on the Enterprise plan though. Stakeholders can represent distribution lists, customers, outside Opsgenie users, etc., and can be notified of service disruptions when an incident is created.

Nicolas Helmer March 9, 2023

Thank you, again fellow Nick H! 

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