How to retrieve alert data for my team

Sudarshan Meruva
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May 18, 2023

I am interested to review the data for my team, how many alerts we received in a month, how many we responded/acknowledged within 30 mins...or x hours. 


I am currently exploring Opsgenie Analytics tab, for some reason it shows 1 alert where as we had several dozen alerts this week. 


Is the data in db ? or does is have something similar to JIRA JQL? 

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Patricia Francezi
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May 18, 2023

Hi @Sudarshan Meruva 

To filter alerts about your team, the alerts should be added to your team before closed. 

Check if your integration is associated to your team as owner / responders. 

You can also have policies to change these fields after creation, depending on conditions you put in place, so this policy would add your team in alerts during creation. 

From that on, you will be able to filter your team in the Analytics. 

Sudarshan Meruva
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May 18, 2023

ok, let me check on it. Thanks,

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