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How to parse the subject and the properties from aws cloudwatch payload?

pushpa August 3, 2022

I can't see the value for "Subject" in parsed date for my cloudwatchEvent integration. It shows as null. How can I get the value for "subject" in these alerts.  

OpsgenieParsedDataScreenshot 2022-08-03 133140.png


Also, I want to parse the properties like "resources" from the payloads received from aws cloudwatchEvent. Is there any way I can parse any extra properties other than the mentioned above (i.e. reason, deploymentid, eventname, eventtype, source etc.). Subject is also null. Not sure how to parse any value to subject? 

Can someone please help me in resolving the above issue.

awsPayloadScreenshot 2022-08-03 133947.png


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Nick H
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 3, 2022

Hi @pushpa ,

Not entirely sure why the Subject field is included as a default field parsing in the payload, since it's not included as one in the CloudWatch Events integration:



Which is why I assume it's sending as null. It is a default field in the other CloudWatch integration, so maybe that's the reason.


As for extracting the other fields being parsed in the payload, most customers will use a form of string processing or regex to extract these into the alert.

You might be able to use something like one of these:


pushpa August 4, 2022

Thanks Nick. I tried something like the above.

Nick H
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 4, 2022

It looks like the resources field parses a bracket which is a different formatting than the reasons field:


So the resources field might be something like:


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pushpa August 4, 2022

Thanks. I was also working on that and just got the things correctly.

Thanks for your help Nick. 

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