How to notify about incident reopened? How to "Ack" related alert via incident?

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May 22, 2020


1. How system can send notification in case incident reopened by new associate alert? Is it possible?

2. When incident created, Opsgenie is sending notification using escalation policy team settings using "Owner alert" (R). And it will be happens until "Owner alert" does not Ack.
So my question is: how user can Ack "Owner alert" from incident page?

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Michael Kimathi _AC Nairobi_ Kenya_
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June 6, 2020

Hi Vladimir,

1. Yes, it's possible.

  • Go to Opsgenie
  • Locate the closed alert 
  • Under the dropdown menu, select reopen.
  • If you like to create ownership then you can click create ownership button and assign it to yourself.

Note this will only work based on your admin policy configuration.

2. This majorly depends on the admin policy configuration, but you can easily close the incident by clicking "Ack".



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