How to integrate stackdriver, opsgenie and statuspage, with multiple statuspage pages

Augusto Cardoso April 18, 2024

I'm trying to integrate stackdriver, opsgenie and statuspage, with several pages in statuspage.

The flow works perfectly on one of the status pages, but not the other. An incident is opened, but without impact(None), so it doesn't generate a downtime status.

Statuspage Setup:
  • page01: comp01 (with the opsgenie integration webhook statuspage-page01-comp01 as subscriber)
  • page02: comp01(with opsgenie integration webhook statuspage-page02-comp01 as subscriber)


Opsgenie Setup:
  • stackdriver integrations: opsgenie-stackdriver01
  • statuspage integrations: statuspage-page01-comp01 and statuspage-page02-comp01


Stackdriver Setup:
  • Notification Channel Webhook: opsgenie-stackdriver01(integration of stackdriver in opsgenie)
  • Alert Policy: alert01(pointing to the notification channel webhook opsgenie-stackdriver01)

  1. OK - When alert policy alert01 is triggered, open an incident in GCP
  2. OK - When an incident in the GCP is opened, open an alert in opsgenie, with the page01-comp01 and page02-comp1 tags, and the respective statuspage incident_id tags.
  3. OK - When an alert is opened in opsgenie, create an incident on each statuspage, page01 and page02, with the criticality entered in the stackdriver and statuspage integrations in opsgenie.


  1. OK
  2. OK
  3. NOK
    1. on page01, an incident is created, with the correct component_id and impact
    2. on page02, an incident is created, with component_id, but without impact





2 answers

0 votes
Augusto Cardoso May 14, 2024


The Atlassian team had to work on the solution on the development side.

Previously, the flow only worked on one of the Statuspage pages, since on the second page the incident was opened, but without criticality or correlation with the component.

After the correction, it now works perfectly, from opening to closing incidents on the Statuspage side.

0 votes
John M
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 22, 2024

Hi @Augusto Cardoso ,

Can you please open a chat in Opsgenie or a ticket here:

We will need to take a look at your account to help troubleshoot this issue.

Augusto Cardoso April 22, 2024

Hey John,

No problem, I've opened a ticket and they're already investigating the problem, thanks.

Can we leave this topic open so that once it's solved we can update and share the solution?

John M
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 22, 2024

@Augusto Cardoso Absolutely! 

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