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How to hide specific tags from the Alert Analytics reports?

Connor Smith
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October 20, 2023

Given a list of all possible alert tags (A, B, C, D...)

Generate a report that has the top 8 tags, but exclude tag A and tag C

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Russell Chee
Atlassian Team
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October 22, 2023

Hey Connor,

Thanks for reaching out to Opsgenie Support, my name is Russell and I'll be assisting on your query, I hope you are well!

I understand that you're looking for a way to be able to exclude tags from your top 8 in the alert analytics report. I would like to set expectations that currently it's not possible to edit the preset filters to exclude tags under the top 8 tags in the alert alert reports dashboard.

Having said that we do have a feature request around this here for a filter to be implemented under the widgets and to have more control over the alerts dashboard. If you have some time, please feel free to comment with your particular use case along with watching it for any future updates from our engineering team. I will also add your case to the feature request to showcase interest in a feature like this.

Alternatively if you call upon the List Alerts API Endpoint here and filter with tags you should be able to include the tags related to the alerts you are looking for as well as exclude the ones you won't need. You'd have to custom script it to pull the results but it could serve as a workaround. I hope this helps to get you started, reach out if you need anything else and have a great week ahead!


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