How to delay an created alert's notification using the API?

Reetesh Sudhakar June 21, 2023

Hi, I'm wondering how I can delay the alert notification from a created alert via the API. If I create an alert using the API, is there a parameter I can pass in to only allow it to notify the responder/s by a certain time, or do I have to use the snooze alert functionality? If so, if I create an alert and then snooze it via the API, will the responder/s still get notified before the snooze alert function goes through?

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Atlassian Team
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June 22, 2023

Hey @Reetesh Sudhakar
Thanks for reaching out to Atlassian Community! 

I'm afraid that there's no way to delay notifications for a specific alert using API. What you can do instead is to use our Notifications policy and delay or snooze specific alerts. Please see - 
This has to be done manually under the team's policies or using our API here -

I hope this helps. 

Best Regards,

Reetesh Sudhakar June 28, 2023

Hi, wanted to follow up on this. Is there a way to delay or snooze alerts that meet certain conditions if they are not team specific (a global policy)? The alerts that I'm creating with the API go out through multiple teams, so I wanted to see if there was a way to achieve this. Thanks! 

Reetesh Sudhakar June 30, 2023

Quick follow-up to that - I tried creating an alert, snoozing it, and then assigning myself as a responder using the API. Snoozing the alert should have muted the notifications, but I still kept getting them even after the alert was snoozed. Is there something that I should change in the workflow to ensure that snoozing the alert works?

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