How to create Gitlab issue automatically FROM OpsGenie

Maxim Zverev
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August 14, 2023

Hi everyone, I have the following question:

- trying to integrate OpsGenie with Gitlab and while I can receive alerts from Gitlab (for example, notification about merge request), but I can't automatically create a Gitlab issue from OpsGenie alert, workflow is:

1) Sentry Alert is received in OpsGenie (works)

2) I want automatically create an issue in Gitlab at the same time (this part doesn't work).


I created Webhook integration on both sides, but still step 2 doesn't work.


Could you please help me with that?

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John M
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 15, 2023

Hi @Maxim Zverev ,

The Gitlab integration in Opsgenie only supports incoming alerts. If you want to send alerts from Opsgenie to Gitlab to create Gitlab issues, you can use a Gitlab email address and set that email address up as a user in Opsgenie, then automatically assign all alerts from Sentry to that 'Gitlab' user. 

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