How do I configure Opsgenie with jenkinsfile to get failure alerts only when master branch fails

Kingsley Chidozie njoku
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June 3, 2022

Presently, we get Opsgenie failure alert for failures in dev, stag, and master  github branches. However, I would like to filter this alert to happen only when there is  a failure in the master branch using Jenkinsfile.

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Nick Haller
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 6, 2022

Hi @Kingsley Chidozie njoku ,

The Standard and Enterprise plans provide an Advanced tab to control which Jenkins alerts create, or do not create Opsgenie alerts:



You'd want to edit or configure a Create Alert action that only creates an alert that matches on the data being parsed in the payload when for example, a failure in the master branch:



If you do not see this tab then it's a restriction with your plan, and there really isn't much of a way to control what does / not create an alert from Jenkins.

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