Exporting OpsGenie calendar does not create an active calendar sync in Outlook.

John Roethke
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July 17, 2019

Haven't found a way to make current calendars in OpsGenie sync with Outlook Calendar.

When exporting to outlook I get the message:  Add this Internet Calendar to Outlook and subscribe to updates?  In the advanced tab there are some check boxes that don't seem to make any difference.  I can see the exported calendar in Outlook, but any subsequent scheduling changes in OpsGenie cannot be seen in Outlook.

Will this take programming through Office 365?

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Atlassian Team
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July 18, 2019

Hi @John Roethke !


Did you export the on-call schedule as a URL via webcal link? https://docs.opsgenie.com/docs/your-on-call-schedule#section-how-to-export-on-call-schedules


If so, that should keep the calendar in sync with Opsgenie. But it's dependent on the calendar provider (in this case Outlook/Office 365) in order to set how frequently it will refresh to get updates to the schedule. So it could be that your Outlook is not refreshing the webcal.

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