Easy override button for my own on-call shift?

Kailey Lampert August 25, 2021

When viewing a schedule, I'm easily able to override another user's shift by clicking the "override" button in the popup/bubble, but there's no button for myself.

I assume the intent is that I don't need to override myself , but I would like it to be easy to replace my shift with a no-one shift.

Is this behind some role/right that my user may not have?

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Nick Haller
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 25, 2021

Hi @Kailey Lampert ,

When overriding a shift, you should be automatically added as the user who will be added into the override. 

If you have permission within that team, or the Opsgenie account, you can add others to override the shift (or add an actual No-One - a feature of Opsgenie's).

If you cannot add others into the override, or add No-One, then your role is restricted. You would either need to be an Admin / Owner of the account, or listed as a team admin under the team's Members tab.

Hope this helps! Let me know if I'm missing the use case.

Kailey Lampert August 25, 2021

I can override other users shifts just fine. I can click the button and it's simple enough to add myself/no-one/someone else.

another user.png


But for my own shift, it's a nuisance. I can override if I manually select the right hours, but there's no convenient button:


Nick Haller
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 25, 2021

That's likely due to your role, and a restriction then. You probably don't have permission to override another user's shift + swap another user into the override besides yourself. Can you confirm whether or not that is the case?

If you had permission, you should see the override button available when hovering over yourself. For example with two of my test instances - I have limited permissions below and cannot override myself, but can override others (since I'd be adding myself into the override):



While in another test instance below, I have permission to add any override, including one while hovering over shift:


Kailey Lampert August 25, 2021

Confirmed I am able to override another user's shift with another different user. e.g. I can make "Bob" cover for "Sally"

Kailey Lampert August 26, 2021

Experimented with a role change and now I have the convenient button. My guess is that this is due to my "admin rights" going from "read only" to "edit configuration", but I'm not really sure what these admin configurations include.


Still seems like the initial issue is a bug though since I can do all the overrides, just the convenience for my own shift is gone.

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