Displaying description in Slack on UpdateDescription action

James Chan
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December 22, 2023

I was wondering if there is a way to show the updated description in a Slack channel of an alert when an UpdateDescription action happens.

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Animesh Singh
Atlassian Team
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December 25, 2023

Hello James Chan,


Thanks for reaching out to Atlassian Community. In the current build, whenever an UpdateDescription action is performed, the slack channel does reflect the action taken on the alert for example like,

Alert API executed ["UpdateDescription"] action on alert: "Alert_Message" #Tiny_Id_URL

However, in order to view the updated description one would require clicking on the tiny Id on the message which will redirect to the alert on Opsgenie web UI in order to view the updated description.

Alternatively a good way to get the updated description is by using the genie commands.

You can make use of the following command,

/genie get TINY_ID

This command can be used to return the updated description of an alert after the UpdateDescription action has been performed on an alert. 

I hope this helps and I wish you an amazing day ahead!

Best Regards,

Cloud Support Engineer

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