Different contact methods for notification rules based on Escalation?

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January 25, 2024

In the same team we have two on call schedules. One for on call and one for escalation if the on call person doesn't answer. I have everything set up appropriately (Routing rule, escalation policies and on-call schedules) and it all works. 

Here's the rub. I'm trying to configure my Notification rules for new alert to do the following:

- Notify me via email when I receive it as part of the on call schedule.

- Notify me via sms if I receive it via the escalation schedule. 

I think I can do this by creating two notification rules, but I'm lost in terms of the condition criteria. How do I indicate the difference in the conditions?



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Dave Mathijs
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January 25, 2024

Hi james.martin@wexinc.com welcome to the Atlassian Community!

That's an interesting question!

I've been digging through the documentation, but I haven't found a solution either. In my opinion, this differentiation is not possible as on-call schedules are "independent" from escalations methods.

Awaiting answers from other Opsgenie users who may be able to provide you with a solution.

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January 26, 2024

Thank @Dave Mathijs for looking into it! Would there be a way to auto-tag an alert (or change it's priority) on escalation? If I could do that then I could filter the notification method either by tag or priority.

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