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Custom Notification for Surge in Alerts

Patrick Kerwick
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October 27, 2022

My team is interested in monitoring our incoming OpsGenie alerts for any surges in a short period of time. Typically when we have an outage or issues with our services, we receive a large number of similar alerts from different customers in a brief period of time, typically just a few minutes.

I'm looking for a method to send a notification email to the team when the number of alerts received within let's say a 10-minute window exceeds a certain number, such as 20. The alerts are also individually passed to Jira as new issues. Any ideas on how that can be accomplished in Jira or OpsGenie?

I'm new to OpsGenie and appreciate any help!

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John M
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 28, 2022

Hi Patrick,

We do have a feature that works like that in notification policies (shown below) however it relies on the deduplication count. So, for this to work the way you want, you would need to have all of the different sources of these alerts send their payloads with a common alias

In addition, all of the alerts need to be assigned to the same team for this to work, as notification policies is a team-based feature. 


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