Create Jira Software Cloud issue when an opsgenie alert is created

Jan Verbeke March 12, 2024

I tried 2 ways to achieve the above :

  • Add opsgenie-JiraCloud integration
    • I configured : "Create and update Jira issues with Opsgenie alerts that are created by other integrations" as I want to filter first opsgenie alerst before having them creating an issue in Jira
    • Problem : Opsgenie fails to do so because it has no access rights to create an issue in the Jira Software Cloud project
    • Question : What access rights I need to set where ? There is nowhere a token I can set neither
  • Add webhook integraion
    • The webhook integration does not give me a webhook that can be used in the Jira automation
    • I then used the jira software cloud automation webhook url and used that url as webhook url for the 'authenticate with a webhook account' in the opsgenie webhook integration settings
    • The above works, but the payload I get in Jira, is not json although I added "Content-type: application/json" extra header info in the integration settings

I would prefer the first integration, but I can't get passed the creation failure.
Can someone unblock me ?

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Rosa M Fossi
March 13, 2024

Hello @Jan Verbeke    Although it sounds like it's already connected, just make sure you're properly integrated (also note which version of OpsGenie you're using):

For the opsgenie-JiraCloud integration error: if you have the integration between your instance and OpsGenie setup correctly it should work. Double check the project and the issuetype you have selected in the integration...  Also worth checking the permission scheme of the project.  Can you provide where the error is appearing and the exact wording (maybe a screenshot)?  

Jan Verbeke March 14, 2024

Atlassian saw a problem with the Jira adapter. After disconnecting and reconnecting, the jira opsgenie plugin works now.

Still I'm puzzled why the webhook is not sending json.

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