Can I update alert field message with latest deduplicated alert message.

Neil Benton June 2, 2021

We have integrated kapacitor with OpsGenie and configured it to duplicate messages, and this is working fine.

The Message in the alert reads P3, "Warning Server-1 Memory usage is 80%"

When further alerts are added in the activity log for the alert we see:

  • 6:10pm Alert received for the same alias "Warning Server-1 Memory usage is 81%"
  • 6:10pm Alert received for the same alias "Warning Server-1 Memory usage is 82%"

But the message to the operators still shows "Warning Server-1 Memory usage is 80%"

Is there any way to update the original alert to take the message field of the latest alert received ?

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Nick Haller
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 2, 2021

Hi @Neil Benton ,

I see your response on this similar post:

I've added your request to it as well. At this time, the best method is the suggestion in the post above of adding a note each time the alert is deduplicated.

You could also update the alert's message via our Alert API, or manually in the app. I understand automating the update would be ideal, but again unfortunately not possible at this time.


We'll reach out if/when there are any updates on the ticket, ALX-918; Update alert fields / content upon deduplication.

Neil Benton June 2, 2021

Hi @Nick Haller 

thanks for the response, I am looking at the API as suggested and it works.  Is there a way of triggering an API call when an alert has been deduplicated ?

Or would I have to write a script that queried all alerts and then updated the message with the latest deduplicated alert message ?  This seems over kill.



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