Alerting from Kibana to Opsgenie

Lubomír Kostal
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August 7, 2024



I am having a problem with sending alerts from Kibana to Opsgenie, where the tags I attach to the alerts are not being sent. I am using Kibana version 7.17, so I'm using a webhook instead of the integration available in version 8.X.

I am using our F5 connector to call the API at /v2/alerts, but when the call is made, only the message appears in the alert, and none of the tags I created show up in Opsgenie.

{ "alert_name": "{{alertName}}", "alert_instance_id": "{{alertInstanceId}}", "alert_status": "{{alertState}}", "timestamp": "{{}}", "message": "{{context.message}}" }

Snímek obrazovky 2024-08-07 091018.png

1 answer

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Mubeen Mohammed
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 8, 2024

Hello @Lubomír Kostal 

Thank you for contacting the Atlassian Community!

When sending alerts from Kibana to Opsgenie using a webhook, you'll need to ensure that your payload is correctly formatted to include the tags. The Opsgenie API expects a specific JSON structure, and if the tags are not appearing, it's likely due to a formatting issue in the payload you're sending.

{ "message": "Sample Alert", "description": "This is a sample alert description", "priority": "P3", "tags": ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"],  "details": { "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2" } }

From the above payload you shared it looks like you need to include 
"tags": {{#context.tags}}["{{.}}"]{{/context.tags}}


I hope the details provided are helpful.



Mubeen Mohammed

Cloud Support Engineer

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