The Incident Detail page has a new look!

We’re excited to announce our upcoming incident detail look which will be live on Tuesday 28th January 2020. As an incident management tool, Opsgenie offers the incident details page as the source of truth during an outage. The new look to the incident detail page provides a clustered structure to easily track incident-related information. Use the new look to:

  • Capture the relevant information about the problem on a single page

  • Group the Incident Management features on the page

  • Display the incident responders and their status

  • Optimize the experience for the large and small screens

  • Introduce a fresh look & feel experience

What's New

Let's take a closer look:

The left side of the new incident detail page includes the incident description, impacted service, extra properties, and postmortem sections. On the right panel, you can see the incident communication features (Status page and Incident Command Center), Associated Alerts and Responders. The incident timeline is available on the right panel too.

The new layout offers an optimized user experience for the larger screens now, the incident timeline will be shown by default for the large screens:



Postmortem status can be directly seen in the incident detail. When the incident is marked as Resolved/Closed, the postmortem section will be available at the top of the page by default:


Associated alerts now appear in the incident details, you can click it to see the list of associated alerts and take bulk actions:

associated-alerts (1).png


The incident timings are now shown on the top right. Also, we introduced three new fields to keep track of the incident impact:

  • Impact start time - The time when the incident started to impact your systems or customers.

  • Impact end time - The time when the incident stopped to impact your systems or customers.

  • Impact detection time - The time when you detect the impact of the incident on your systems or customers.

You can click on the timing table to update those time fields:


timings (1).png

Now let’s take a closer look at to the Responders section:

This section includes all responder teams and individual users. You can also easily add or remove responders directly. If the responder alerts are seen or acknowledged by the responder team/user, the corresponding state will be marked as “Aware“ so that you will be able to see easily who is aware of the incident at a glance.

You can also quickly update the incident response roles from this section:





More information about the responders can be found if you hover on the name. You can easily access the responders alerts by clicking the Go to the responder alert option.


responder-card (1).png

We have more exciting enhancements for Incidents planned, stay tuned! 



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