OpsGenie API Overview

The OpsGenie API offers a powerful way for organizations to integrate incident management functionalities directly into their applications. This documentation highlights how the API works and  shows a few benefits such as scheduling management, analytics verification, and bulk changes.

Some Key Features

  1. Manage Schedules:

    • Create, update, and delete schedules programmatically. Quickly adapt on-call personnel based on shifts or role changes.

  2. Practical Example: A company’s support team uses the API to change the on-call schedule after a team member reports they are unavailable. By sending a POST request to the /schedules endpoint, the user can update the on-call rotation for the upcoming week, ensuring that the right personnel are alerted during incidents.


  3. Verify Analytics:
    We currently don't have any APIs to export the reports and have an open feature request - https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/OPSGENIE-92

  4. Bulk Changes:

    • You can make simultaneous changes to multiple items, saving time and reducing manual errors, especially for schedules and configurations.


For more detailed information, refer to the OpsGenie API Documentation.


Through API integration, you can access Opsgenie services to create alerts and configure users, on-call schedules, and teams for third-party applications.



In case you have more questions or need assistance you can ask below or open a formal ticket with our Team here: https://support.atlassian.com/contact/#/ 



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Bianca Vasconcelos
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October 19, 2024



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