New Post Mortem functionality has been added to the Incident main screen

Hi, all

We have a few updates to Post Mortems to share with you.

Post Mortem related fields have been added to incidents. This means you now have greater control over tagging incidents that require a Post Mortem, and you can set a due date on the incident for when a Post Mortem needs to be completed by.

Label incidents that either require a post mortem or do not (the default is set to “Post Mortem Required”) from the details tab on each incident:

add postmortem.png

Add a due date for the creation of the Post Mortem from the incident details screen:

due date post mortem.png

Once you have set these two fields, you can search for Post Mortems from the incident main screen. For example, use “postmortemStatus: published” to show incidents that have a completed Post Mortem:

published example.png

Two saved search queries are also now listed for easy viewing from the incident main screen to better help you organize your Post Mortems and focus in on incidents that are closed but still need a Post Mortem created:

saved search pm.png

Let us know what you think about this new functionality and any other feedback you have on all things Post Mortems in the comments below, thank you!




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