Managing Alert Deduplication and Notes in Opsgenie

Alert deduplication in Opsgenie helps reduce alert fatigue by consolidating similar alerts. However, important information might be missed if deduplicated alerts don't update their messages or descriptions. To capture new details, configure Opsgenie to add notes during deduplication.

Imagine a scenario where a server goes down, and instead of receiving a barrage of alerts for every single check that fails, your team receives a single, consolidated alert.

However, while this reduces noise, it can potentially miss out on important updates if the alert messages or descriptions aren't updated with new information.

To address this, Opsgenie allows you to configure notes during the deduplication process, ensuring no critical details are lost.

Setting Up Notes for Deduplicated Alerts

1. Edit Create Alert Rule: Access the integration settings (e.g., Sumo Logic) and open the "Create Alert" rule.

2. Configure Note Addition:

   - Copy configurations from the Message and Description fields.

   - Paste into the Note field and save changes.

This ensures that each deduplication logs new data to the Note field, capturing all information without increasing alert counts.



- Enhanced Visibility: Notes log new information, providing a comprehensive alert history.

- Reduced Alert Fatigue: Consolidated alerts with notes ensure awareness without overwhelming notifications.


- Silent Updates: Notes don't trigger notifications, ensuring updates without interruptions.

- Testing: Verify that notes are added correctly to capture all necessary information.



Configuring notes for deduplicated alerts helps maintain a well-informed response team. For more guidance, refer to

These practices enhance your alert management strategy, ensuring your team stays informed and focused.

In case you have any further questions or would like to add information, please comment or ask below. :)




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