Investigate deployment-related incidents with Bamboo and Opsgenie together

Back in April of last year one of the major product announcements from Opsgenie was the launch of the Incident investigation view which created a deep connection between Bitbucket and Opsgenie, empowering responders to investigate deployment-related incidents directly from the incidents screen.

Today we are happy to announce that Opsgenie Standard and Enterprise customers who use Bamboo for on-premise code deployments can now investigate deployment-related incidents directly from the Opsgenie Incident investigation view.

Read on to learn how to connect your Bamboo and Opsgenie accounts and begin investigating and resolving deployment-related incidents faster.



Step 1: Download the Bamboo Opsgenie plugin from the Atlassian Marketplace.

Step 2: Generate an API key in Opsgenie that will be used to set up the Bamboo notification adaptor.

Go to the Atlassian apps screen in your Opsgenie account 

image2.pngClick on Bamboo and click the “Add API key” button


Give a name to the API being generated.


Whether you create one Bamboo API connection or several they will all be visible from the Bamboo Opsgenie integrations page.


Step 3: Add the Opsgenie Notification Adaptor to your Bamboo account

  1. Configure notification for the Bamboo deployment plan of your choice

  2. In the Event field make sure the option selected is “Deployment started and finished”

  3. In the Recipient field choose “Opsgenie”. As mentioned notifications can also be set up for other recipients.

  4. In the Region field choose among ‘US' or ‘EU’ depending on where you’re located

  5. In the API field add the API you generated in step 1 above.

  6. If you would like to send your commit information to Opsgenie as well, select the option “I agree to send commits to Opsgenie”, otherwise the responder will not see commits within the Incident investigation view.

  7. For the Teams field add the teams of whose services you would like to connect. This is not a required field and is only used for filtering purposes.

  8. In the Services field add the services you would like to connect the deployment plan to.



Bamboo Opsgenie Incident investigation view in action

Once your Bamboo deployment plan is connected, Opsgenie will begin receiving all deployments made through the selected Bamboo deployment plan. Your responders can now begin investigating deployment-related incidents directly from the incident details screen in Opsgenie.


Note: The Bamboo Opsgenie Incident investigation view is similar to the Bitbucket Opsgenie Incident investigation view with a couple of exceptions to be aware of. File size changes and the ability to analyze the differences between two or more commits are not supported in the Bamboo Opsgenie Incident investigation view. And if during the setup process (outlined above) permission is not granted to pass commit details to Opsgenie during the setup of the notification adaptor, the responder will not see commits within the Incident Investigation view.

Let us know what you think of this new integration between Bamboo and Opsgenie in the comments section below.

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Gonchik Tsymzhitov
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January 16, 2021

@Shaun Pinney  Thank you for that use case. 

I like read a new integration article :) 

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June 15, 2021

preciso do meu saque que foi feito no bamboo e ate hoje nao veio pra minha conta


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