Part of this article provides the instructions based on the Advanced Integration Settings which is only available at the Standard and Enterprise subscription plan.
For the users who are the global Owner and Admin of Opsgenie, this article is to guide you on the way to troubleshooting the issue that configuring an Opsgenie integration or 3rd-party source (e.g. Email, Grafana, etc.), and no alerts are being created. This article provides troubleshooting steps to ensure alerts are created in Opsgenie. This article will use Email integration as an example.
Each Opsgenie integration provides Action Filters to determine what creates an alert, closes an alert, adds a note, etc.
This Email integration’s Create Alert action has been adjusted to create alerts only when the string Issue
is in the subject of an email.
An Ignore alert action is also configured to ignore creating alerts when the string Ignore
is in the subject of the email.
After the configuration is done, an email has been sent to the email address provided by this Email Integration, but there seems no Opsgenie Alert is created.
The best place to check why an Opsgenie alert was not created is under the Settings menu >> Logs tab. Opsgenie will track any request received (for 13 days).
You can search for the following (more details about searching in the logs, please find this document):
Entries such as Email received for integration
for Email integration specifically, or Received integration request
, Skipping incomingData
, no matching actions found
, Started to execute action:Ignore
, Alert is received with same alias. Count is increased to X
, etc.
Name of integration, e.g. Email-<name_of_email_integration>
By timestamp to narrow down the pool of events.
If there is no entry in the Logs indicating Opsgenie has received the email/data in the designated time frame, please troubleshoot this issue at the 3rd-party source side to examine the reason why the requests/emails aren’t making it to Opsgenie.
If the log entry Email received for integration or Received integration request in the designated time frame and the contents match the data sent from the 3rd-party source, that means Opsgenie did receive this email/data.
Please move forward to search for the next log entry:
The log entry suggests Skipping incomingData, no matching actions found
, please expand it and examine it in the _parseData
object to check if the field-value pairs of this incoming data match any of the Create Alert rules of the target integration.
Adjust at the 3rd-party source where this data/email was sent to fit this Action Filter or adjust this Action Filter to match this data structure accordingly.
For example:
This email doesn’t contain the string Issue
in the Email Subject that is defined in the Create Alert rule’s Action Filter and this data doesn’t match any other rules. That’s the root cause Opsgenie skipped processing this data.
The log entry suggests Started to execute action: Ignore
, please expand it and examine it in the _parseData
object to check if the field-value pairs of this incoming data match the Action Filter of the Ignore rule of the target integration.
Adjust at the 3rd-party source where this data/email was sent to NOT fit this Action Filter of the Ignore rule or adjust this Action Filter to NOT match this data structure accordingly.
For example:
This email does contain the string Ignore
in the Email Subject that is defined in the Ignore rule’s Action Filter. That’s the root cause Opsgenie executed to action to ignore this alert creation.
The log entry suggests Started to execute action: Create Alert
, but there’s another entry Alert is received with same alias. Count is increased to X
coming after, which means there is already an Opsegnie Alert been created with the same Alias as this data being parsed and that alert is still in the Open state. To avoid alert duplication and notification fatigue, Opsgenie de-duplicates this alert creation.
Please close the existing Opsgenie alert first and send out the data from the 3rd-party source again.
For example:
This email does match the Action Filter of the Create Alert action instead of matching the Ignore action, but there is already an Opsgenie Alert with the same Alias existing and it is in the Open state, so Opsgenie de-duplicates this alert creation.
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Darryl Lee
Support Engineer
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