Retrieve all alerts from API for a given timeframe without pagination limit of 100

Craig Sharp
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April 25, 2023

I am looking for a way to pull more than 100 alerts at a time using the API for a given timeframe.

I know how to do this by setting the offset in my api call but it liimits to 100 for each call. Then I have to change the offset.

Is there a better way to get this data as I need to pull all alerts during a given timeframe for ingest into Elastic? Sometimes there may be more than 100 alerts.

Does anyone have a script available that might provide an example?  Language does not matter.

Another anyone already doing this type of ingest into Elastic that could provide a working soluton to the problem?

Thank you

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Gopal SA
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January 25, 2024

Yes, opsgenie alert api only return 100 alerts when using api, and below python code can be used to keep retrieving all alerts until all the pages are read. Every api response has the property paging['next'] that can be used to set the api url to the next page of alerts.


import requests

api_key = "<YOUR API KEY>"

api_url = ""

headers = {

"Content-Type": "application/json",

"Authorization": f"GenieKey {api_key}"


# Specify your desired parameters, such as query, sort, etc.

params = {

while api_url:

   response = requests.get(api_url, headers=headers, params=params)

   if response.status_code == 200:

    alerts = response.json()

    all_alerts.extend(alerts.get("data", []))

    print (f"Retrieved {len(alerts.get('data', []))} alerts. Total alerts: {len(all_alerts)}")

    paging = alerts['paging']


     api_url = paging['next']

    except KeyError:

     api_url = None

    print('All alerts read')


     print(f"Error: {response.status_code}, {response.text}")


print(f"Total number of alerts: {len(all_alerts)}")

In the above logic, add filtering on createdAt field as part of alert to ingest only alerts during a given timeframe

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