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Major Incident management with JSM and OG

October 9, 2021

Hello Community,

 Need some help in this topic below, 

Our use case is receiving monitoring alarams from various monitoring tools via API or Email and we were routing each monitoring alert to a JSM project and it created a ticket, but without any correlation/dedup and other basic alert tool capabilities we were flooded by alerts. 

Recently after JSM announced new features like Incidents and alerts on our JSM instance we enabled the features and now I have routed all the monitoring alerts to reach Opsgenie and it inturn creates an Incident in my JSM project. Ever since I've enabled this OG has deduplicated 81% alerts which is a good improvement for us.

1. Alert created in OG will create a ticket in a JSM cloud project and we call it the monitoring project. 

2. Alert ack'd in JSM will ack alert in OG and L1 would triage and close the alert which closes OG alert. 

3. If the alert is unresolved, L1 will transition issue to 'Create Incident' this will create an issue with Incident type - Incident in a Incident Management JSM Cloud project. When the Incident in JSM is closed it will close the related Incident in Alert JSM project and this will close the related alert in OG and till this lifecycle completes all alert occurance are tagged to the same alert in OG. 

The reason we use 3 diff places OG-Alert Project- Incident project is, we have our customers on the Incident project and we share Incident tickets with them adding 'Organization' which has users from a specific org. 

When we have Major incidents, we wish to use the Major Incident option on JSM which allows us to run Major Incidents very well, I just love the options OG Major incidents platform provides like ICC,. opening slack tracking outage durations adding responders wow! But my commitment customers is sending and update each hour via Incident ticket and this is a critical SLA tagged to service rebate, how can I ship comments to my related JSM incident as a customer facing update without OG links, as a normal update? Also if I could fetch any responses back to my OG Major Incident? 


Appreciate any suggestions / ideas on this please.





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