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Alerts routing within a team

Deleted user July 7, 2021


I'm setting up multiple teams in Opsgenie (DevTeam1, DevTeam2, ...). Within a single team, they might have different slack integration to be able to send specific alerts to different Slack channels.

How can I setup my integration so that if an alert matches the condition for a channel it is not send to any other integrations?

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Nick Haller
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 7, 2021

Hi @[deleted] ,

Unfortunately that's not possible. The Slack integration does not have functionality to know if an alert has already been sent to another channel. As long as an alert matches a Slack integration's filter/defined conditions, it will send messages to that configured channel.

There really isn't much of a workaround either. You could differentiate each Slack integration's filter from the others, but I'm sure that doesn't meet your use case.

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Deleted user July 7, 2021

I was hoping to avoid that but that's good to know.

The plan was to use labels on kubernetes resources to route alerts to a specific team and then if needed to a specific Slack channel.

On the other hand, routing to an additional dedicated channel shouldn't be something we often do and when we do, it's usually temporary. So setting a rule on a dedicated integration and the catch all one won't be a big deal. Just would have been nice :)

Thanks for your answer.


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