What? Are you for serious?
Yeah, Kevin is totally serious. Here's the link.
Look forward to seeing you there!!
Ah shucks, well next time!!
I signed up and have a co-worker coming! Should be interesting!
I have terrible hand writing so...good luck trying to make out what I wrote! :P
What happened to your computer? Even better take them on your phone
It was good training.
Here's the synopsis:
Date & Time:
August 1st, 9am
A practical, hands-on approach to "Automating Your Software Factory" with the Atlassian Platform lead by DevSecOps SME from Column Technologies, who also was an Industry Panelist at the 2019 ATARC DevOps Summit.
Featured products include Jira Software, Confluence, Bitbucket, and Bamboo.
To be able to setup an end to end Software Development Lifecycle using 4 of Atlassian's key products. Participants will gain more understanding around the value and benefits of integrating the 4 products and will be learn what's needed to configure the integrations appropriately.
A little bit about the facilitator:
Andrew Baumann is Column's DevSecOps Technical Lead and has been with Column for over four years. His day-to-day involves helping customers strategize their move toward a more DevSecOps focused culture and implementing best of breed tools to automate that approach. He recently participated in the 2019 ATARC Federal DevOps Summit as an Industry panelist, along with agencies such as the IRS and DOJ.
Today Andrew lives in Brooklyn with his girlfriend and their three cats named Oliver, Brittany, and Winnie.
A little bit about Column:
Column Technologies provides DevSecOps enabling technology solutions specifically architected to support modern application software factories. These offerings include process workshops, implementations of "best in class" tools, and ongoing managed services and support.
Atlassian Platinum Partner, AppDynamics Titan Partner, ServiceNow Gold Partner, and CloudBees Summit Partner.
Thanks a lot @Billy Poggi AUG NOVA_ DC for sharing!