Tuesday Tips & Tricks

Good evening everyone,

I am thinking to make it "Tuesday Tips & Tricks". I'm hoping some of you will join me.

The tip or trick can be in anything of your choice. In real life, Work, Cooking , Cleaning,....

I will start by sharing the one that saved my Jira struggle recently. Since I work for a Financial Institution, we are subject to heavy auditing. Before I joined the company they had a ScriptRunner Behaviour that was blocking users from editing some fields when they hit the Done Status. However, the problem is that before the issue gets to Done Status, the fields were already not editable. Also we found out through testing while using a behaviour the fields were editable through API and Bulk Edit. It was a BIG problem ☹️

Then I found this tip in the Atlassian documentation that solved the problem for us without the need for a plugin. Click here to read more about it. 

Share with us something that can be beneficial to the community.

Until then, take care!



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Joshua Kochelek
March 19, 2021

This is a great tip @Fadoua, thanks for sharing! 🎁

I find that this is a theme for building effective and maintainable solutions for teams. While I do love Groovy and all of the possibilities ScriptRunner opens up (🤓 - I also wrote a recent blog about a solution our team designed using ScriptRunner for Confluence), it's really important to me to make whatever solution I design to be as simple as possible. I've written very simple scripts that have stopped working based on a number of factors (system update, change to api, ScriptRunner update, etc.), which can be difficult and time consuming to troubleshoot and fix. 

In my opinion, using native configurations (like transitions screens vs edit screens) to determine the process or control who can edit certain fields is MUCH EASIER to explain to users, troubleshoot, and maintain over time. 

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Taranjeet Singh
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March 19, 2021

I agree with @Joshua Kochelek that such out-of-the-box solutions are much easier for troubleshooting and maintainability of Atlassian applications.

Thanks for sharing this trick @Fadoua !

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Tanya C
March 23, 2021

It's Tuesday ... a week later ... but over the weekend I discovered this trick:

How to add an Emoji to a Shortcut?

and I was able to add this to my JSM Project side panel.  I had no idea emojis were an optio


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Community Leader
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March 23, 2021

@Tanya C  You are more than welcome to post any Tuesday you have a tip or a trick. You are not late.

Community Leader
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March 23, 2021

Thank you @Joshua Kochelek  and @Taranjeet Singh  for taking time to read my article! Feel free guys to post, this is our page together.

Dave Liao
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April 5, 2021

@Joshua Kochelek - also agreed, native solutions tend to have the longest shelf-life in a Jira installation. 😉

Atlassian, please don't deprecate workflow properties! 😆

@Fadoua - thanks for highlighting this tip! 🙏 For sure, having select fields editable via custom screens via a transition is a workaround for field-level security if you lock down the transition with specific conditions (like group membership or role assignment). 

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