Feature completion in JIRA

February 7, 2023

Hi All, I have a query- Can we track percentage feature completion in JIRA? (as we can track in JA)

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Mike Clarke
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March 16, 2023


Are you using Advanced Roadmaps?  
You may be able to track progress of the User Stories/Tasks that feed into a Feature if they are set up with the Feature as their Parent.

Screenshot 2023-03-17 165830.png

Here's a community post from 2018 that might shed some light (although it's pretty old because its still calling Advanced Roadmaps "Portfolio for Cloud" so might need to check it's still valid)

If the Parent/Child hierarchy is set up you should also get a progress bar on the Issue view for the Feature (like sub-tasks do)

Screenshot 2023-03-17 171332.png
(screenshot pulled from this post)

If you're using Jira with Standard licensing you might need to investigate an add-on like Big Picture or similar.

Hope this helps

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nesrineZ February 7, 2023

can you detail more
is it at the Epic level ? or Story level ? 
Do you want to track story Points ? or time ?

February 7, 2023

Hi NesrineZy, my query is about "Feature" those are at ART (program) level. In JA, we can track what percentage of feature work is completed (based on the story points). I wanted to know if we can track the similar way in JIRA as well.

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