According to this documentation In order to use the api the specified URL would be{cloudid}/{api}. What is {cloudid} and {api} referencing and where do I find them within my site?
The atlassian team response seems to be incorrect or perhaps outdated? -- it would seem you need to make a request to with your token to get your "cloudId"(comes back as "id") -- which is NOT your apps client_id.
to has more details
I did not succeed with the above approach to get the cloud id.
One other easy way to get the cloud id is to go to
Click on your "site" of interest and you will get the Cloud id in the URL
Resulting URL Example:
@Johan Eckerstrom - {Eficode} hey I'm unable to access sites from the URL you shared, can you please check if it is still working for you?
Hi, when call this :
return all jira site, but i want to get only the datanet of the one i selected from sending code․ what can I do?
@Vahe Vardanyan I am also asking myself this question. Were you able to get this resolved?
The simplest way to find your site's Cloud Id is via:
Which, when you replace "my-site-name" with your Jira's site name, will return the following
This is really poorly documented, and the only mention I saw of it was a one liner on the new Forms API docs
Edit: This endpoint is also documented in the main JSW API docs, although again only a one liner
Another interesting place to find the `cloudId` is in a resolver context, which includes `installContext` which contains the cloudId in this format: `ari:cloud:compass::site/ae2ed23-d3c0-4651-9715-31b5fa5226fc`.
Extract it like so:
resolver.define('queue-processor', async ({ payload, context }) => {
const cloudId = context.installContext.split('/').pop()
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