What is my cloud id

Simran Khalsa
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September 25, 2018

According to this documentation https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/rest/v3/. In order to use the api the specified URL would be https://api.atlassian.com/ex/jira/{cloudid}/{api}. What is {cloudid} and {api} referencing and where do I find them within my site?



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Atlassian Team
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September 25, 2018

Hi Simran,

As referred to the OAuth 2.0 authorization code grants (3LO) for apps documentation:  

  • client_id: (required) Set this to the Client ID for your app. Find this in App details for your app in app managementFor example, 11223344-a1b2-3b33-c444-def123456789
  • {api} is the base path and name of the API. For example, /rest/api/2/project for the project endpoint in the Jira REST API. 

Hope this explains

Cheers, Syauqi

Scott Underwood
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October 30, 2018

The atlassian team response seems to be incorrect or perhaps outdated? -- it would seem you need to make a request to https://api.atlassian.com/oauth/token/accessible-resources with your token to get your "cloudId"(comes back as "id") -- which is NOT your apps client_id.


to https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/oauth-2-authorization-code-grants-3lo-for-apps/  has more details


Screen Shot 2018-10-30 at 10.10.35 AM.png

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Johan Eckerstrom - {Eficode}
April 25, 2019


I did not succeed with the above approach to get the cloud id.

One other easy way to get the cloud id is to go to https://admin.atlassian.com/

Click on your "site" of interest and you will get the Cloud id in the URL 

Resulting URL Example:


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Phillip C
August 2, 2021

easiest way to do so. thank you!

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Securiti Dev
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January 12, 2023

@Johan Eckerstrom - {Eficode} hey I'm unable to access sites from the URL you shared, can you please check if it is still working for you?

Johan Eckerström
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January 12, 2023
Vahe Vardanyan
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December 28, 2022

Hi,  when call this : https://api.atlassian.com/oauth/token/accessible-resources 

return all jira site, but i want to get only the datanet of the one i selected from sending code․ what can I do?

Javier Cuan-Martinez
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November 28, 2023

@Vahe Vardanyan I am also asking myself this question. Were you able to get this resolved?

Tom Gionfriddo
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May 30, 2023

The simplest way to find your site's Cloud Id is via: https://my-site-name.atlassian.net/_edge/tenant_info

Which, when you replace "my-site-name" with your Jira's site name, will return the following


 This is really poorly documented, and the only mention I saw of it was a one liner on the new Forms API docs

Edit: This endpoint is also documented in the main JSW API docs, although again only a one liner 

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Afrothiti Manolis
June 12, 2023


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October 23, 2024

Another interesting place to find the `cloudId` is in a resolver context, which includes `installContext` which contains the cloudId in this format: `ari:cloud:compass::site/ae2ed23-d3c0-4651-9715-31b5fa5226fc`.

Extract it like so:

resolver.define('queue-processor', async ({ payload, context }) => {

  const cloudId = context.installContext.split('/').pop()

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