for some reason, i cant move issues from one column to the other, and i have no idea wat to do what this message box is telling me to do. Anyone have an idea?
im sort of new to jira-would you mind explaining exactly how i can do that?
Sure - go to Settings > Issues > Workflows
Find the workflow that the project is using
Click on Edit
Click on the line going to the status that you are trying to transition to
That will popup a box on the right side. Check to see if there is any value for the Validators and Conditions options.
Then click into those to see what is there
Those steps I outlined right about your last comment. :-)
haha i typed this and somehow missed what you wrote. Thanks so much!
i dont see any validator or conditions options. and when i try to make changes Jira says that i can't edit inside of the workflow
What type of project are you using? Can you share a screenshot of your workflow?
Did you follow the steps above to get to the workflow, and just do a view workflow from the card?
i followed your instructions
I dont see any validator or conditions options. and when i try to make changes Jira says that i can't edit inside of the workflow
Whats even more weird is when i open up a card for an issue and click the status's, it doesnt even include the "trial" status which is the column im trying to move the issue to
So click on the line that say All with the arrow to In Review - click the actual line.
That is the transition, which will show conditions and validators.
It should look something like this:
Also, can you share a screenshot of the columns section under the board settings that shows the status mapped to all of the columns (including the Trail column)?
there are no conditions or validators. i ahve alot of statuses in my columns cuz i was trying to create a baord with alot of statuses
Okay, so I am a little confused. Are you trying to drag the card to the Trial column on the board and expecting it to go to the Trial status? Because that status is in the Done column and not the Trial column.
It's okay to have multiple statuses in the columns - I assume you have multiple workflows in your workflow scheme as well with those other statuses. But it looks a little confusing because it looks like some of those statuses are exactly the same.
Ok I think im starting to understand.
Please let me know if this is the case:
I have a to do and done status inside of columns that aren't do and done-for example-"done" is a status inside of the progress column, and "to do" is a status inside of the "trial" column. Does this mean if i remove these statuses (or easier, delete them-this isnt an actual project just a practice one so i get the hang of Jira) and only have statuses that relate to the columns that relate to the columns that they're in that this will all work?
for example, the progress column is blue. If i create a status for this column and keep it in this column, will it fix my problems?
i realized that some of the tasks are subtasks. Could that be whats causing the problem?
Possibly, it certainly supports the theory that you're looking at the wrong workflow and the workflow that the sub-tasks are following has conditions, validators or no transition.
I created a new project and added a new column. Im having the exact same issue. My tasks will NOT go inside of the new column UNLESS i go into the issue and change its column location manullay.
First, you shouldn't be setting a Resolution on the QA status - Resolutions are for final adjudication of the issue. I don't know that what is actually causing your problem, but I would try that first - taking off Set resolution for QA.
John's steps show you the reason you are not able to move the JIRA ticket from one state to another. I had a similar problem with hiring workflow that was using the Hiring template Recruitment Workflow Scheme
We accidentally moved a candidate to Rejected and unable to move the candidate back to Screening. See the workflow diagram. Note that there is no way to move the task from Rejected state to any other state.
For this, I used a workaround of changing the issue type to Task Management workflow group which allowed moving bi-directionally between To-Do and Done. Moved the ticket back to initial state and then changed the issue type back to Hiring. Now the candidate was back in Screening state.
I hope this workaround helps in your case as well.
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