I'm using roadmap feature in a classic cloud JIRA project.
The EPICS are showing the schedule bar as shown in colour red but not the tasks. All have start and due dates inserted.
Is this expected behaviour ?
Andrew asked - is expected for the tasks in an epic to not be visible on a timeline, whereas the start and due dates were inserted?
I have the same question.
I suppose it is a bug.
Expected: The tasks are visible on a timeline.
Actual: Tasks are not visible on the timeline, only epics are.
Could anybody help to fix the issue?
Seems I have found more. It is not an explanation of the failure.
It is ridiculous, but Jira has this limitation.
I would be happy to hear I the limitation could be avoided.
Is this limitation still active?
We experience the same, very uncomfortable. And not even logical, as roadmaps are even more needed in non-agile projects.
Having the same issue. We have our tasks in a scrum board, but this still does not work. Is a scrum team different than a scrum board, if so, how does one configure a scrum team?
I ran into this very thing. I do not have sprints/scrum initiated but use backlog and roadmap.
I found if I go to project settings>Board>Roadmap there is a toggle for Child Level Issue Scheduling. This allowed me to see the start and end date on the road map for issues other than epic.
You must have start and due date on the child issue. Top bar is epic, bottom bar is child issue.
Thanks @Jeff Newswanger just the info I needed!
Thanks Jeff - Very helpful and worked like a charm
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