Burndown chart is not configurable for "Story point estimate" field

Arunkumar Chandran December 27, 2022

We use "Story point estimate" for updating the estimation efforts and on completion of task capture the actual efforts in "Story points" field.

To review the sprint performance when tried to use "Burndown chart, the "story point estimate" field was not listed in the drop down

In this case how to configure the Burndown chart? 



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Sajit Nair _Trundl_
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December 27, 2022

Hi @Arunkumar Chandran ,
Go to board settings and set the estimation statistics as Story point under the estimation tab.
This should help you.

Arunkumar Chandran December 27, 2022

Hi @Sajit Nair _Trundl_ , 

Thanks for the feedback.

As we used to fill the "Story points" as actual efforts consumed for the task while closing the task, it wouldn't help for burndown chart (as story points wouldn't be filled in start of the sprint).

Whereas it would be helpful if we're able to get the burndown chart based on "Story point estimate". But this "Story point estimate" field is not getting listed in the drop down menu of "estimation statistic".

Trudy Claspill
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December 28, 2022

Hello @Arunkumar Chandran 

"Story point estimate" field is a special field of type "Story point estimate value". It is used strictly for Team Managed Software projects. Do not try to use it in a Company Managed project.

You need to create a separate custom Number type of field for holding that data, and use that field in your Company Managed project(s). Only Number type fields can be used for the in the Burndown Chart

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Meghan LaClair January 2, 2023

Disclaimer: marketplace partner


Hi @Arunkumar Chandran!


This is something that we provide more visibility into at minware, if you are open to 3rd party solutions. 


Using our Sprint Insights Report, you can view velocity at the task level. Rather than updating the estimated efforts and actual efforts manually, our plug and play dashboard combines version control, ticketing, and calendar data to automate reporting. 

Breakdown Jira.png

We also automatically generate charts using this data.

JIRA Chart.png

We offer a free trial if you would like to check it out!

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