Script CSV file upload for Insight Asset Management

Michael Bailey June 2, 2021

Hi, evaluating Insight Asset Management on Jira Service Management Cloud, apologies if this question is better asked elsewhere.

IAM has the ability to schedule configured imports, however I can't see a way to automate the upload of a file for import.  In the on-prem version I could schedule an SCP copy of an import file to the /files there any equivalent method for cloud?

Thanks in advance for any help.

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Michael Bailey June 8, 2021

I just realised that my question is somewhat irrelevant.  Insight can also import from a URL location, which makes a scripted update of the import file trivial.

June 9, 2021

Do you have a link to that functionality?  I'm also interested in automating loading Insight assets.

Michael Bailey June 9, 2021

Hi Scott,

It's part of the Object Schema import functionality (CSV Import - Insight Documentation - Version 8.7 (

I haven't yet verified that the URL option is present in a cloud instance of Jira SM / Insight as I for a number of other reasons I'm back to working on an eval of Data Center, but if you have a cloud demo it should be in the same place.

Michael Bailey July 28, 2021

Apologies Scott, that functionality is only available in on-prem JSM, I really should improve my comprehension.  I'm going to request it as a feature, but in the meantime it's back to the REST API.

July 29, 2021

I'm in the process of using the REST API.  It's disappointing that such a simple thing is missing. I have to do a ton of work to over come their short coming.

Nicola D. August 10, 2021

If you want here there’s an open source script based on latest api to load continuously data into CMDB 

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