Hi there everyone. For a few months I've been trying to figure out the basics of Insight/Assets to see if it will work for our business side. Read a ton of documentation, even took a class/2; submitted questions; even asked my service rep for help. Nothing of substance. I am at a cross-roads. I know it can't be this hard, and I know my proof-of-concept is not hard. Can't seem to get the clarification/answers I need to successfully show my test drive of Insight/Assets. I would greatly appreciate if anyone has guidance on helping me validate querying the 3-4 object types and sample data I have.
Thanks! Sandy
@Jennifer Fish i gained a bit more knowledge, but I have not found anything that helps me understand and verify my schema model. I am only trying to validate what I would consider to be a VERY SIMPLE proof-of-concept; and I (and others) have yet found any resources or examples to help me accomplish this task.
After reading the pdf, I thought I was on to something reading about Inheritance. But that does not work for me.
My example is:
Organization --> Directorate --> Division --> Office
I've learned inheritance will not work for the above.
But, if you just create a sub-object for the above, it pulls in the data automatically.
I believe the "non" inheritance is what is needed. But - now I am trying to write a query that will display all attributes from 4 or more Object types.
For example:
1. For each organization, show me all directorates (and directorate data), all divisions underneath each directorate, and all offices under each division. This would include showing data/attributes from each object type
I cannot find any guidance, so I am at a cross-roads. I need help.
Hi Sandra
I have some experience with assets.
Maby i can be of some assistance, i will look into the possibility to setup a demo environment.
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