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Exporting grid and bundled custom fields using Xporter

Dimitra Melanitis June 30, 2020


I need to be able to export some issues with an official company template so the basic export works well but is not sufficient. I made some research and found the Xporter plugin which works really well but, altough the JSD simple Word export does export  bundled fields, I can't display them with Xporter. Nor am I able to display the grid fields.

In particular I have a bundled field for supplier details (Extension for JSD) and a grid field for the items one needs to buy with various colums (nr of items, description, price, VAT, etc...) created with Table Grid plugin.


The result when I try to display them but the result looks like this

In the template :

Supplier details : ${Supplier[10700]}

Merchandise : ${Items[11006]}

And what is displayed:

Supplier details : {"baseGroupId":{"fields":[{"id":"f37bb2e3-67f6-4dff-b8ef-a165b1146f6a","originId":"f37bb2e3-67f6-4dff-b8ef-a165b1146f6a","name":"Supplier Name","type":"text","required":true,"showLabel":true,"options":[],"value":"another test for test"},{"id":"65de54c1-9ceb-4f58-bf75-c0a4b29b0c0b","originId":"65de54c1-9ceb-4f58-bf75-c0a4b29b0c0b","name":"Street + Number","type":"text","required":true,"showLabel":true,"options":[],"value":"another test for test"},{"id":"369ef429-67bf-41a0-9e32-8609789f64dc","originId":"369ef429-67bf-41a0-9e32-8609789f64dc","name":"City","type":"text","required":true,"showLabel":true,"options":[],"value":"another test for test"},{"id":"26f19946-208d-48c7-bda6-e730ac56b971","originId":"26f19946-208d-48c7-bda6-e730ac56b971","name":"Zip Code","type":"text","required":true,"showLabel":true,"options":[],"value":"4444"},{"id":"30bc6038-2668-4f9b-92fb-c2b450d22fa5","originId":"30bc6038-2668-4f9b-92fb-c2b450d22fa5","name":"Country","type":"text","required":true,"showLabel":true,"options":[],"value":"Belgium"}]}}


Merchandise : {"ducketId":"1","rows":[{"rowId":"row_1a509148-e661-4265-95be-577573ff91a2","columns":{"vat":"6","quantity":"1","price":"1","Description":"bl","total":"1.06","ecolabel":"No","quote":1,"ecolabelpercent":"0","category":"Service","discount":"0"},"order":0}]}


  Do you know of another plugin or functionality that could help?



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José Domingues _Xray_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
July 16, 2020

Hi @Dimitra Melanitis 

You already opened a support ticket with this query SUPPORT-25333. Let us know if you have any further support. 

Best Regards,

Team Xray 

AUG Leaders

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