Can we link and close multiple tickets in one go?

blimbachiya July 14, 2021

Hi there,

Many times we get tickets which are related  or duplicates. I know we can link those tickets. For example ticket number 001,002,003 & 004. If I link 002, 003 & 004 to ticket number 001 so 001 will be like my master ticket & other will be duplicate tickets. I want to know if can we make a setup such that when I close master ticket that is 001 , it will automatically close all linked tickets ..002,003 & 004.? This can save lots of time rather going through each tickets & close them

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Danial Micheal July 26, 2021

Yes, You can

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Patrick Haley
July 19, 2021

Yes, there's actually a pre-built automation for this in the Automation Library. 

  1. Click Project Settings
  2. Automation > Automation again
  3. Click Global Administration in the top right
  4. Click Library near top middle
  5. Find and select "Close duplicate issues".

Alternatively, just create the automation from scratch with the follow parmaters:

When: Issue linked Types: Duplicate

Issues fields condition does not equal Done

Then: Transition the issues to Done.

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