Xray Step Iterations shown in the reports

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November 11, 2021

Hello All,


I would like to inform you that I opened a Feature request for Xray: "Steps Iterations information in the Test Plans Report" (https://jira.getxray.app/browse/XRAY-8154).

Since we consider one iteration as a testcase, it would be very helpful to get the iterations information shown in the reports.


Could this feature be interesting for you as well? If yes, please vote it;)


Kind Regards

Simone M. Massaccesi



4 answers

2 votes
Jürgen Wagner
October 13, 2022

I would also appreciate this feature. I use iterations in hundreds of test cases and some of them have almost a hundred iterations. Would be nice to see the number of iterations of each test case in the test plan or in the test execution.





1 vote
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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August 31, 2022

Hi Davide,


unfortunately yes. So please vote the issue and try to share it👍.

1 vote
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
August 31, 2022

I had a look at the Feature (XRAY-8154), but it doesn't appear to have gained much traction.
it's a real shame as I'd class this a Must have in order to accurately report on test efforts.

0 votes
Anette Unger August 17, 2023

Is there any new Infos about this feature?

And a othere Question:

How can I Retesting a Testexecution with any Iterations, when I will only the FAIL Iterations get in the new Testexecutions? Is the a way to marc it or an other way?

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