Hi Team,
I want to associate Test Execution to a Test Plan using API to my Jira in cloud.
I followed the xray documentation to do this
Example Request:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -u admin:admin --data @Example.json http://yourserver//rest/raven/1.0/api/testplan/TEST-123/testexecution
Example Json data.
"addTestsToPlan": false,
"add": [
"remove": [
Using the above, replaced my test plan, test execution and authentication details .
I have confirmed the authentication, test plan and test execution details are given correct. However im getting 404 error.
response: b'{"message":"null for uri: https://{my server}.atlassian.net/rest/raven/1.0/api/testplan/{my test plan name}/testexecution","status-code":404}'
is the above API will work only for Jira Desktop ?
I have also noticed same kind of error few reported for this API in atlassian forums.
Please guide how can i associate Test execution to a Test Plan