Prevent automation actions from sending to MS Teams

Jim D
November 24, 2023

Our corporation uses Jira Cloud and MS Teams.

We have enabled the integration, however daily automation rules are clogging up the chat making it hard at times to find updates from real people.

Is there a way to prevent the Automation update from being sent to the MS Teams plugin subscribers?  Or will this require a new feature request?

Thanks in advance,


1 answer

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Charlie Gavey
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 28, 2024

Hi @Jim D

Are you able to share any more info around the Automation updates you're receiving in MS Teams? Are these updates from an Automation rule that includes sending MS Teams notifications, or just notifications of actions being taken by Automation?



Jim D
February 13, 2024

Hi @Charlie Gavey

These are updates purely resulting from actions taken by Automation.  There is no automation task to publish to Teams.

We have a rule to increment a number in a field each day for tickets in certain statuses.  All of these tickets are updated at 7am, and I get a flood of Teams messages for tickets I reported, was assigned to, or am watching.

The notification title is "Automation for Jira updated the (field name) on an issue".

Does that help clarify?



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