How to hide subtasks without assignee in Jira Structure

Marina Shelestiuk June 9, 2023


I'm wondering how I can hide subtasks without assignee in Jira structure. I currently use the following JQL: 

sprint = SPRINT and issuetype in (analysis, task, story) AND assignee is not EMPTY

The issue is that if a parrent issue has assignee, and its subtasks not, the subtasks will appear in the structure regardless of JQL, that says to show issues with assignee only. 


Based on the example below, I would like subtask 4 not to appear in my structure.


Any ideas? 


1 answer

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Dave Mathijs
Community Leader
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June 9, 2023

Hi, you can click on the filter icon on the right and then click on + New filter to create  a Filter with your Name of choice and JQL query assignee != Unassigned

and toggle it on/off to hide/show unassigned issues.

Screenshot 2023-06-09 at 11.43.56.png

Marina Shelestiuk June 9, 2023

I suppose this will work for Jira Next-gen, while I have Jira classic. Sorry, I forgot to mention that.

Dave Mathijs
Community Leader
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June 9, 2023

This is independent of the project type. Have you tried it?

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Marina Shelestiuk June 9, 2023

I did. It worked out, thanks. Do you know how I hardcode it using automation instead of having it as a transformation? 

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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June 10, 2023

An automation can only change data on an issue, it can't change the configuration of a Structure.

David Niro
Marketplace Partner
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June 12, 2023

Hi @Marina Shelestiuk ,

If you click +Add button next to "Show Generators", you will see a Filter option.

Use the same filter @Dave Mathijs recommended and it will be permanently applied to your structure.

Hope this helps!


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