Guest Users in JIRA

K Niharika Samyuktha December 27, 2023

I am learning jira and I want to know how the guest access works. How to grant guest access and what is the payment details. As in should the software be bought for all the people in the group? Is there any limit on the number of users? Will this be enough to share with many vendors of the company? It would be helpful to get a step by step process for the same. 

2 answers

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Vikrant Yadav
Community Leader
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December 27, 2023

Hi @K Niharika Samyuktha Welcome to Atlassian Community!

 In Jira, there is no guest access. You can set project permission to public, so that people who arent Jira users can look at issues in a particular project.

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K Niharika Samyuktha December 27, 2023

Thanks a lot.

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Vikrant Yadav
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December 27, 2023

@K Niharika Samyuktha  Glad to hear we're able to you out!

Kindly accept the solution, it'll help others having same query.

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Mayuresh Kamble
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December 27, 2023
K Niharika Samyuktha December 27, 2023

Thank you!

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Mayuresh Kamble
Rising Star
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December 28, 2023

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