Applying filter on Smart Classifier

RUDOLPH CHUNG October 14, 2020

I have a Confluence page with a Confiform A with a column c. It is set up as a smart classifier to look up c values in Confiform B. Now Confiform B actually has 2 columns : username and c. What I want to achieve is depending who the current user is, the smart classifier will only contain c's which have been set up specifically for the current user. 


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Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
Rising Star
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October 14, 2020


You have tagged the question as for confluence cloud, but ConfiForms does not have a smart classifier field in Confluence cloud at the moment. This field type is available only in server/data center versions of the app.

To answer your question - you need to add a ConfiForms Field Definition Rule macro with action "Apply filter on field" to filter the choices of your smart classifier

See this quick demo:

Related question with an answer:


RUDOLPH CHUNG October 15, 2020

Thanks Alex. That solution will allow the user to pick a user other than himself/herself. Whereas, my intended solution is not to give them that ability, but rather check who the current logged-in user is, and apply a filter based on that.

Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
Rising Star
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October 15, 2020

The demo I have recorded for you does EXACTLY that - filters out choices based on current logged in used. Have a look

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RUDOLPH CHUNG October 15, 2020

Thanks Alex. Works like a charm.

RUDOLPH CHUNG October 18, 2020

And if I want to add a Confiform TableView at the bottom of the form to show all records created for which the current user has permission, do I add condition to "Filter to apply on entire dataset"?

Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
Rising Star
Rising Star
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October 19, 2020

Yes, you can filter records created by the user by setting the filtering expression in "Filter to apply on entire dataset" parameter

Something like


will work for your case

Steven Espinoza May 11, 2024

Hi @Alex Medved _ConfiForms_ 

I went looking for the video...but apparently is shut down now.  Can you repost the video perhaps?  

We have a Smart Classifier that we missed during our migration and I am trying to piece it back together.

Any help would be welcome. Thankyou much.


P.S.  your video was here: 

...To answer your question - you need to add a ConfiForms Field Definition Rule macro with action "Apply filter on field" to filter the choices of your smart classifier

See this quick demo:

Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
May 11, 2024

Hi @Steven Espinoza 

This is basically the same as applying the filter on any other smart field - a good demo on this could be found here

There is nothing special about the smart classifier - all you have to know is that the filtering you are applying (in the rule) is on the source form (form where the smart field takes the values from).


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