set max story point per sprint

luca ippoliti May 22, 2019

how can i set a maximum story point per sprint? 

Assuming that i know my team velocity, let's say 100 story point, i would like to set this value to constraint the user story i can add in my sprint so that the system warns me when i hit the maximum value of 100 story point in that sprint.

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QA_RohitSingh May 22, 2019

As per my Knowledge, Jira doesn't have any feature where you can set story point for all upcoming sprint. since sprint story point can be calculated depending on resources involvement, time is taken to complete the task and complexity of the task. 

Ideally, the story point should be between 0-8 where team member should be between 4-5. 

Also, if Story points added more then 8 then it might be called an EPIC which requires multiple sprints to complete 1 epic. 

BUT you can see total story point if story point added in the backlog. 

Please let me know if i was able to solve your problem. 

luca ippoliti May 22, 2019

thanks for you answer.

i'm sorry to hear that Jira does not have that...however it's good to see at leas total story point added in the it possible to see total by sprint as well?

QA_RohitSingh May 24, 2019

yes, @luca ippoliti you can view Total Story Points  in below-Attached


luca ippoliti May 24, 2019

That's very useful @rohit singh !

Thank you very much!

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