is there a way to prevent some users from creating issues

mel vega February 3, 2016


not sure if it is feasable but I would need to prevent some users to create issues but in the meantime to allow them to edit issues ?

would you if there is a way to do this ?

thanks in advance


2 answers

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Geoff Wilson
Rising Star
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February 4, 2016

From the Administration > Issues > Permission Schemes page, you can create or edit any Permission Schemes used, such as the Default Permission Scheme. First, make sure that the Projects you're interested use the Permission Schemes that you change.  From here, there are 2 separate permissions which you are interested in:

Create Issues

Ability to create issues.
Edit Issues
Ability to edit issues.
You can then assign either a specific role, group, user, etc to these individual permissions. 
For example, my Edit Issues permissions is likely one you'd like:
mel vega February 4, 2016


thanks to both of you for your prompt answers.

oh my god , I was crossed-eye yesterday, I looked for this permission only "Create issue" and I did not see it ...!!!


1 vote
Nic Brough _Adaptavist_ February 3, 2016

Change the permission scheme so that you can separate the users out somehow

I'd personally use roles - so a permission scheme might say "create allowed to people in the role of 'creator'" and "edit is allowed to all in the role of 'users'".  You then drop those people into "users" role, but don't add them to "creator"

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