do not send "account created" email on "automated account creation" ?

ipguy October 16, 2011

hi all

just wondering if it's possible to not send the automated email on new user creation when Jira is setup to automatically create accounts when checking a support email address ?

Why would I not want this to happen ?

As with most generic support email accounts, a lot of email going to the support address is not a real support request, it might be an email sent to the support address about a domain name update, product registration etc...

we would not want an account created in these cases.

any suggestions ?

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Andy Brook [Plugin People]
Rising Star
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October 17, 2011

The problem you have is how to describe those emails such that a system could apply that logic. If you are an internal support group, and the vast majority of your 'tickets' come from a specific domain, you could use JEMH in a couple of ways to help.

JEMH has user creation whitelisting:


as well as user blacklisting:

JEMH can also be 'plugged in' through ;alternate' ID Providers, which is a way for customizable logic to derive a userID from an email. The LDAP implementation is used to locate a userId from Active Directory from a range of possible domain email accounts. You could potenitally plugin something there.

If you have requirents that exceed this capability, you'd be looking at new features.

Andy Brook [Plugin People]
Rising Star
Rising Star
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October 17, 2011

Just to make the point. Creating a user doesn't necessarily mean consuming a license seat. If you have smaller numbers, autoCreated users (in JEMH anyway) are able to just join say 'non-jira-users' that do not count. They can't login to JIRA though.

ipguy October 17, 2011

Thanks for the reply Andy

I guess what I'm really after is an account moderation feature

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