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  • Workflow diagram tab is coming in older version of Jira(JIRA 4.x) but it is not coming in issue's view screen in Jira-5.1

Workflow diagram tab is coming in older version of Jira(JIRA 4.x) but it is not coming in issue's view screen in Jira-5.1

swati sneha October 18, 2012

2 answers

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Harish October 18, 2012

Hi Swati,

You can verify that the user has the 'View Read-Only Workflow' permission.

Go to the project's -> Permission scheme and verify that the user has the 'View Read-only Workfow' permsission.



swati sneha October 24, 2012

Thank you Harish. That worked.



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Carlos Dos Santos
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November 6, 2012

but in version 5.1, dont see the details of every status, example: Create, Close, etc.

In Workflow diagram tab in the version 4 of Jira, this it can see

Someone now if this is configurable

Thanks !!

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